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Testosterone Enanthate 250

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Company:Aburaihan Co. (Iran)

15 Amps x 1ml. [250mg./ml.] Total 3750mg

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100 Amps 1ml. [250mg./ml.] Total 25000mg

HOT PRICE / 8$ per 1 Ampule


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Shipping Location:Europe (non-EU)
type (oral/injectable):INJECTABLE STEROIDS
compound:Testosterone Enanthate
Less side effects than Cypionate. Used for mass gain
Rate:Not rated

We are number one - this slogan the best suits to describe all testosterone-containing products. It`s virtually impossible to find serious bodybuilder, which does not use testosterone in his pre-season stacks. This is one of the best products for mass-gain. Great price/effect ratio makes testosterone unbeatable by other gear. It`s a king of all steroids.

Testosterone is the major and most important male androgen in the body, which carries many important functions, one of them is muscle growth. This makes testosterone the first steroid for bodybuilding. There is simply nothing more powerful. One may ask then - why other steroids still exist? The answer is that although testosterone is number one - it`s not ideal and still has certain disadvantages and different gear fill their own unique niches.

Testosterone enanthate as well as its close relative testosterone cypionate are long-acting esters. The main difference is molecular weight and size. Cypionate molecule is slightly heavier while still containing the same amount of active substance (testosterone). Therefore, let`s say 100 mg of testosterone enanthate contains ~12% more actual testosterone than 100 mg of cypionate (but less than for instance testosterone propionate or testosterone suspension). From the other hand, longer molecule takes more time to take apart thus making steroid more long acting. So, cypionate produces its effect for slightly longer time. But basically both steroids are almost the same.

Long-acting steroids require less injections (maybe 1 shot per week), so they are more convenient to use comparing to short-living ones like testosterone propionate or testosterone suspension, which contains 100% of testosterone per claimed concentration but also leaves body quickly and require injections every other day.

One should be aware that when you cease using long-acting gear its effects as well as side-effects still take place for 3-4 weeks, so short-living forms are easier to watch and control.

Testosterone aromatizes easily (i.e. part of it is being converted to estradiol). But more important point is that besides estrogen testosterone easily converts to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) thus increasing its androgenic properties (action on the prostate, body hair growth, increasing libido, unfortunately DHT is almost inactive in muscle cells).

According to scientific research, usage of high testosterone dosages increases the number of androgen receptors in muscle fibers. Another study shows that -I quote- Usage of anabolic steroids and particularly testosterone in combination with power training provokes an increase in muscle size as a result of their hypertrophy, and due to the formation of new muscle fibers. The key factor to this is the activation of muscle satellite cells, which increases substantially when taking large doses of steroids -end of quote-. Furthermore, it was also proven experimentally that usage of testosterone enanthate at a weekly dose of only 3 mg per kg of body weight raises growth hormone levels in the blood by 22% and insulin growth factor on 21%.

In simple words, when you take testosterone your existing muscle cells are growing by themselves and also they are producing new cells, which results in substantial muscle gains and increase in power. New muscle fibers normally appear when high dosages used. Besides this, there are also many other positive factors (general feeling of well-being, improved immune system, increased libido, etc.), as well as side effects, which we should consider.

Single purpose of testosterone enanthate is a help in mass-gain. Aromatization (conversion to estrogen) plays here some positive role. Testosterone-Enanathate has great effect on both - novices and advanced users.

The effectiveness of testosterone depends on the amount of certain enzymes in the body. For testosterone, as well as for nandrolone, a "critical" enzyme is a 5-Alpha-Reductase. Especially important this enzyme is for long-acting esters of both steroids. The increased amount of 5-Alpha-Reductase leads to accelerated conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The latter is good for increasing libido, but not to build muscle. As you recall, in muscle fibers DHT is practically inactive (unlike in the skin and prostate). In addition, DHT is not so bad as anti-estrogen, but at high level this is not good for muscle gains (on one hand you try to kill estrogen to avoid side effects, on other hhand, estrogen helps to build muscle size). Therefore, testosterone and nandrolone are not ideal agents for athletes with elevated level of 5-Alpha-Reductase enzymes. How to find out your 5-Alpha-Reductase level? Either by taking special medical tests or by carefully watching your body reaction on different steroids

Dosage and usage

Inject every 5-7 days (more frequent shots will slightly increase the effect) , preferably into big muscles like upper leg or buttocks. Rotate injection spots to prevent inflammation.

Some PROfessional bodybuilders and powerlifters do 2000mg (2 grams) of testosterone enanthate daily (!) But such people do not need our advice and we don`t think this is a good idea for everybody. Most of advanced users will be very happy with a dosage 2000 mg / week if used standalone. Novices can do 500 mg/week, effect from lower dosages is not that notable. If you do below 500 mg stacking with anabolic substances like deca is necessary. 250 mg/week is the lowest possible volume, but better stay with 500 mg / week.


Testosterone is very powerful substance by itself to allow standalone cycles. So 500-1000mg of testosterone enanthate or cypionate (both are long-acting) will produce notable results over 8 or better 10 weeks cycle whether used in combo or standalone. 12 week stacks also often takes place since this product is non-toxic. Testosterone has so many different activities that other steroids serves merely as an additional supplement. However, stacking is necessary if athlete have serious goals. It helps to reduce the quantity of testosterone and thus negative side effects by adding some milder substances like primobolan, nandrolone decanoate (deca-durabolin) or boldenone (equipoise).

Testosterone is in fact an ideal partner for any other steroid because of its action on androgen receptor in muscle cells and it`s possible to combine it virtually with everything. The best results, however, are achieved when testosterone enanthate is combined with nandrolone esters, methandrosterolone or oxymetholon (anadrol, anapolon). Combination of testosterone enanthate + nandrolone phenilpropionate + methandrosterolone provides bulking "super action". Stacking of testosterone enanthate with trenbolone or boldenone (equipoise) produces great results as well.

Common length of testosterone enanthate cycles is 8-10 weeks, sometimes 12 weeks.

A popular "mass" stack is 500 mg of testosterone enanthate / week + 400 mg of nandrolone decanoate (deca-duraboline) / week and strong PCT - you need anti-estrogen during and after cycle and you need to boost natural production afterwards.

For those who are looking for milder bulking stack - the same testosterone dosage in combination with primobolan 400-600 mg/week is an option. It makes cycle much safer although gains will be also lower because primobolan has lower anabolic properties comparing to deca, it`s main advantage is non-aromatization. As we already mentioned low estrogen level leads to lower mass gains although the gains you receive will be more lean and dry. Another disadvantage is high price of primobolan. PCT and anti-estrogen are still needed as always with testosterone.

Third option is testosterone enanthate with boldenone (equipoise) 200-400 mg/week, which is stronger than deca (nandrolone) and has lower side-effects. This is still bulking stack, however, boldenone provides more lean and dry mass gains, which is similar to positive effects of primobolan, although much stronger. Furthermore, boldenone promotes appetite, which is often suppressed by usage of testosterone thus making your nutrition more effective.

As it was mentioned before, you can stack testosterone virtually with everything, but nandrolone, primobolan and boldenone are the best options for bulking cycles. As for other gear - you should consider what kind of effect they can add. For instance oxandrolone (anavar) will add some strength and might be used in pre-competition cycle when bulking is not necessary. If you are looking only for mass - you may simply increase testosterone dosages and no need to add other compound UNTIL side effects will prevail. Only after this it worth stacking (or if you are looking for milder cycle from the beginning). To explain this thought read following example. For instance, someone wants purely bulking cycle. He tried once, did 250 mg/week and was not satisfied with the results. What to do next time? Not ideal decision would be 250 mg of test in combo with 400 mg of deca. Ideal and simple decision 500 mg of testosterone /week. Another example, someone is looking for a moderate bulking cycle. Not too weak, not with a lot of side effects as well but rather something on the middle. A possible solution is 250 mg of testosterone/week and 200 mg of boldenone/week with PCT, of course. Hopefully you understood what author means.

Some other cycle examples:

500 mg testosterone enanthate/week + turanabol (turinabol) or oxandrolone (anavar) 40-50 mg / day

Pre-competition cycle for advanced users, 8 weeks. Start with testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate 400 mg/week each, decrease smoothly to 100 mg on the last week. At the same time do oxandrolone (anavar) starting from 80 mg / day and decrease by 10 mg every week until you reach 10 mg/day on the last week. For amateur users dosages of testosterone starts 200 mg/week and fall down to 25 mg/w on the last week with the same dosage of anavar, although on my opinion this is extreme case.

"Super" stack for PRO: oxydrol (anadrol, anapolon) 100-150 mg / ED for 8 weeks + nandrolone decanoate (deca-duraboline) 400 mg/week for 7 weeks, decrease dosage on last two weeks + testosterone enanthate 500-1000 mg (peak on the mid) for 10 weeks + testosterone cypionate 400-800 mg / week (peak on the mid) + dianabol 50-20 mg on weeks 8-11. Anti-estrogen is needed starting from week 2 or 3 till the end and HCG is needed on weeks 4-5 and 9-11, 5000 IU / week. Tamoxifen/clomiphen is still needed after the cycle to boost natural hormone production, HCG will just smoothen this downfall.

Detection times

It has long detection time as most of testosterone, especially long-acting ones. Doping tests can find it up to three months after the cycle.

Side effects and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with testosterone Enanthate

Since testosterone is easily aromatized, its use in high doses may cause side effects such as water retention, acne, female-pattern fat deposits, and gynecomastia ("bitchy tits"). But for most athletes these problems start at high doses of the drug - from 1 gram (1000mg) per week or more. Therefore, it is advised to take some anti-estrogen like arimidex, proviron, tamoxifen or clomiphene. At dosages of 500-600 mg per week, side effects are normally low, but some people are more prone (more sensitive) to these side effects than others, so if problems arise, do 1 tab of clomiphen 50mg or tamoxifen 20mg until problem disappear.

The conversion of testosterone to DHT means a risk of such androgen-related side effects as baldness and prostate enlargement. Again, this only applies to high dosages or to the people with high level of 5-alpha-reductase enzyme.

The use of testosterone, even at doses of more than two grams (2000mg) a week not infringe either the liver or other organs. Recovery of natural testosterone production after a cycle is normally quick and successful.

PCT: 25-50mg of arimidex / day OR 25-50 mg of proviron / day during the cycle. Normally 25 mg is just fine but in case of "heavy" cycles dosages up to 100 mg of proviron might be required. Actually, it`s better to use proviron instead of arimidex along with the testosterone injections since it increases volume of free testosterone in the blood thus promoting gains. Athlete should also consider the following thing - estrogen converted from androgen plays very important role in muscle gains. Thus, more anti-estrogen you use - there are less estrogen-related side effects but also less gains. So, you have to find experimentally what suits the best to your body. People who worry more about gains should use minimal dosage of anti-estrogen, people who worry more about estrogen level should use higher one.

Some people are more concerned about androgen-related side effects such as deep voice, baldness, prostate hypertrophy. These ones should do 1 tab / ED of a product named finasteride (brand names propecia, proscar, fincar, etc.), which blocks 5-alpha-reductaze and thus conversion of testosterone into more aggressive androgenic substance DHT. Again, one should find a balance. DHT is more powerful androgen, maybe 300% stronger than testosterone and it`s positive effects increases along with unwanted side effects. Also, keep in mind that if you are more concerned about androgen-related side effects, you should not use proviron, which is in fact very similar to DHT. Better use arimidex as anti-estrogen in that case.

As you may see, all these things - testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estrogen and androgen levels, estrogen blockers, etc. are highly related and dependant on each other so there is no single advice for everyone, you should consider what is more important exactly for you and choose appropriate anti-estrogen and dosage basing on it.

When the cycle is over, natural testosterone production is severely suppressed and needs to be restored, otherwise much of gains will be lost and also you`ll have problems with libido and shrinkage of testicles, which is especially true for long cycles. Many bodybuilders of 70es, when steroid science was not so developed felt all these side effects and became big and fatty or small and tiny or had heart problems (heart is also a muscle) which leaded to all these horror stories and prohibition of steroids in many countries. Fortunately, now we all know how to make it safe. Using Human Chorionic Gonadtropin (HCG, Pregnyl) and tamoxifen (nolvadex, cymoplex, cytotam) / clomiphene (clomid, fertomid) plays key role in Post Cycle Therapy. Tamoxifen is more effective, let`s say 40 mg (2 tabs 20 mg) of tamoxifen equals 150 mg (3 tabs 50 mg) of clomiphene)

One should start HCG injections on the last week of cycle and do 1500-3000 IU every 5-7 days depending on testosterone dosages during the cycle. HCG serves as an alternative to natural LH, it will boost testosterone production in the body thus restoring size of testicles back to normal. HCG should be used for 2-4 weeks in total. However, it does not eliminate the problem but serves just as a "bridge" between the cycle and post-cycle healers (tamo/clomid). Although it "orders" to the body to start producing testosterone, this is not "natural" production. In fact it even suppresses natural production of the hormone, and usage of HCG should be stopped two weeks before you finish tamoxifen / clomiphen.

Using HCG is strictly advisable, but if you don`t have it, just start with higher then described below clomiphene/tamoxifene dosages, let`s say 3-4 tabs/ED for two weeks.

Two weeks after the cycle (if HCG has been used) start doing 2 tabs of tamoxifen 20 mg or 3 tabs of clomiphene 50 mg or combination of both for two weeks. After this, do two more weeks with 1 tab of tamoxifen or two tabs of clomiphene daily.

A conclusion: Arimidex or Proviron fight estrogen during cycle, tamoxifen and clomid finish this job and also boost natural testosterone production. HCG helps to smoothen critical testosterone production downfall right after the cycle.

Female usage

Amazingly, in medical practice testosterone enanthate is widely used in treatment of females and even children with certain pathologies. The only common thing between all these people is low testosterone level in the blood.

But it is strictly not advisable for females with normal testosterone level to use testosterone injections for sport-related purposes. External testosterone will simply lead to virilization effects, so women in bodybuilding should stay away from it. There are different ethers like testosterone undecanoate, which fit well for them.

