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Sustanon 250

Buy Sustanon 250 Organon (India) Usa online image
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Company:Organon (India)

30 Amps 1ml. [250mg./ml.] Total 7500mg

Very Rare HQ HG Product


Out of stock
Shipping Location:South-Eastern Asia
type (oral/injectable):INJECTABLE STEROIDS
compound:Testosterone mix
4 different testosterone compounds
Rate:Not rated

Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable containing four different testosterone compounds: testosterone propionate, 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isocaproate, 60mg; and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg. The mixture of the testosterone are time-released to provide an immediate effect while still remaining active in the body for up to a month. As with other testosterone, Sustanon is an androgenic steroid with a pronounced anabolic effect. Therefore, athletes commonly use Sustanon to put on mass and size while increasing strength. However, unlike other testosterone compounds such as cypionate and enanthate, the use of Sustanon leads to less water retention and estrogenic side effects. This characteristic is extremely beneficial to bodybuilders who suffer from gynecomastia yet still seek the powerful anabolic effect of an injectable testosterone. The decreased water retention also makes Sustanon a desirable steroid for bodybuilders and athletes interested in cutting up or building a solid foundation of quality mass. Dosages of Sustanon range from 250 mg every other week, up to 2000 mg or more per week. These dosages seem to be the extremes. A more common dosage would range from 250 mg to 1000 mg per week. Although Sustanon remains active for up to a month, injections should be taken at least once a week to keep testosterone levels stable.


A steroid novice can expect to gain about 20 pounds within a couple of months by using only 250 mg of Sustanon a week. More advanced athletes will obviously need higher dosages to obtain the desired effect. Sustanon is a fairly safe steroid, but in high dosages, some athletes may experience side effects due to an elevated estrogen level. With dosages exceeding 1000 mg a week, it is probably wise to use an antiestrogen such as Zymoplex (tamoxifen citrate) or Proviron (mesterolone). The use of Sustanon will suppress natural testosterone production, so the use of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) or Clomid (clomiphene citrate) may be appropriate at the end of a cycle. Sustanon 250 is a good base steroid to use in a stack. Athletes interested in rapid size and strength gains find that Sustanon stacks extremely well with orals such as   Oxydrol (oxymetholone) and Dianabol (methandrostenlone). On the other hand, Sustanon also stacks well with Trenabol Depot (trenbolone hexahydrobencylcarbonate), Mastabol (drostanolone propionate), and Winstrol (stanozolol) for athletes seeking the hard, ripped look. Sustanon 250 is quite abundant on the US black market

