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Ostarol [Ostarine] (Enobosarm, GTx-024, MK-2866)

Buy Ostarol [Ostarine] (Enobosarm, GTx-024, MK-2866) Special Force Pharm (Ukraine) Usa online image
  • Payment methods: Sigue, RIA, , Bank transfer, Bitcoin BTC.
  • Shipping methods: Airmail, EMS
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Company:Special Force Pharm (Ukraine)

30 pills 25mg, Total 750mg


Shipping Location:Europe (non-EU)
purpose of usage:SARM
Provides endurance and strength
Rate:Not rated

Ostarine (Enobosarm, GTx-024, MK-2866)

Ostarine is a newly discovered nonsteroid SARM. Its primary goal was to treat osteoporosis and different muscle disorders, such as muscle atrophies. It can enlarge lean muscle mass, increase strength and reduce body fat. In general, by its action, it reminds anabolic steroid, but without side-effects peculiar to steroids (e.g. liver toxicity, prostate issues etc.). Unlike steroids, which must be injected, Ostarine can be taken orally.

Due to its high popularity among athletes and high efficiency in providing endurance and strength, Anti-Doping Committee has banned this substance in 2008. Professional bodybuilders usually take Enobosarm between cycles to keep the gains when testosterone production is suppressed.

Ostarine is the best option for novices due to its oral bioavailability and due to the absence of liver damage, unlike most oral steroids. Owing to anabolic and fat burning properties it can be used both in bulking and in cutting cycles.

The half life of Ostarine is around 24 hours, so it should be taken once a day. The usual dosage depends on the goals. For the treatment of osteoporosis you should take 12 mg a day. For cutting cycle take 12 -15 mg a day for 4 -6 weeks. For building lean muscle mass 25- 30 mg is taken for 4-6 weeks. MK-2866 can also increase libido. To get this effect you have to take 15 -30 mg a day. If you take 30 mg a day, you should divide it into two equal parts – 15 mg in the morning and 15 mg in the evening. The increase of libido will be noticeable in 5-7 days.

Side Effects

Most Ostarine users agree that there is almost no suppression of testosterone level, however some bodybuilders take mild PCT after MK-2866 cycles. There are also reports that dosages exceeding 15mg can increase blood pressure, which is restored after discontinuation of Ostarine usage.  

